Not all Executive Search firms are the same. Having the experience to really understand your brief, the organisational context and your specific leadership culture takes years to appreciate in order to locate leadership talent that will fit. The most diverse field comes from broad and deep networks cultivated over many years of interaction with referral sources of high standing who know of high performing leaders. Our approach is labour intensive, but the rigour we apply will always yield better outcomes and a quality candidate field, working in partnership with our clients.

Searchlight Group takes a unique approach to every brief, customising our search strategy by incorporating your needs and ambitions, then overlaying a rigorous process with documented outcomes. Sometimes we like to challenge conventional thinking, and present candidates who not only fit the brief but who can add value in different ways. We take the time to ensure that a candidates’ background is verified and that their reputation is credible to minimise the risk of a poor hire.

Our network of credible sources and potential candidates traverses State and international jurisdictions, ensuring that we are rigorous and thorough in our methodology. Whilst we have worked across most portfolios, we don’t claim to specialise in one or another; our real expertise is being able to locate and evaluate leaders matched against the specific brief that we are entrusted with.